Is it possible to treat MS Naturally? You bet!

Is it possible to treat MS Naturally? You bet!

I was chatting with a friend’s husband the other day who made a point of delving into the topic of natural health care. OK, that’s what I do, so we’re chatting, and he says to me – do you really believe you can treat MS naturally? Are you kidding me? Yes I believe! And so do thousands of people that I have worked with in my practice over the last 20 years.

I come by this belief honestly. As a kid, I was seldom run off to the doctor, instead, my mom would feed me some soup, make a tea, or give me some flat ginger ale (that seemed to fix a lot of things). Sometimes I was sent outside to run around and get some fresh air when I complained of not feeling well.

As I grew up, I was more attracted to the health food store than the pharmacy. Then I met my favorite neurologist. Despite my dismal diagnosis and grave prognosis, told me that he didn’t have much faith in the drugs and to “run along and have a good life.” So, I believed that was an option, and I did… run along and have a good life that is. (BTW the last time I saw my neuro was around 1988.) That eventually led me to naturopathic medicine where I found a model of care that I understood and really made sense to me; a natural one that was all about the patient.

Thankfully the fear of ‘life without meds’ was a seed that was never sown in me. So, do I believe that MS can be treated naturally? You bet I do!

Here are some other things I believe.

  • I believe in the healing power of nature – every aspect of it.
  • I believe that the human body is fundamentally a self-correcting organism, when we remove layers of confounding factors the body naturally moves toward health.
  • I believe that if I take responsibility for my health, good things will continue to happen…because no-one cares about my health the way I do.
  • I believe that information about health and disease is NOT proprietary to an elusive few but belongs in the hands of every individual with a diagnosis (that’s why I continue to teach and write, it’s why I developed Transform MS!).
  • I believe that we are living in an exciting time of profound change in medicine that is opening doors all around us.
  • I believe in the magnificent new neuroscience that has changed the way we see the brain.
  • I believe in the deep wisdom of the many traditional healing practices around the world.
  • I believe that the course of my health, good and bad, is directly under my control – and I prove that theory every day.
  • I believe in the power of nutritional intervention, naturopathic self-care, the profound connection between the gut and the brain, psychoneuroimmunology (aka mind-body medicine). The ill effects of stress on multiple sclerosis, the healing power of neuroplasticity, how neurogenesis can help to recreate our brain, autonomic regulation, movement therapy, targeted therapeutic interventions and more, as powerful tools for recovery.
  • I believe that there is so much you can do regardless of what decision you make on meds.
  • I believe my patients when they tell me they are happy to be symptom free for 9 years (an email I got last week on – thanks AA!)
  • I believe that I ultimately create my reality with the very things I believe.

But, it doesn’t matter what I believe. What do you believe and how is that working for you?

I’d love to know your top three (or more) “I believe” statements and together we will create a mosaic of powerful words to encourage ourselves and others on the road to recovery.

Share them here, email them to me at or sign up at and tell me there.

Be well!



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