
Disability as a State of Mind

Not long ago someone told me about a disability tax credit that I should look into. So I did and as it turned out, I qualified for it and was able to retroactively recoup thousands of dollars from the government. This is always a nice surprise, especially when you’re not expecting it. Later my accountant […]

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SUPER BETTER! Building Resilience for Recovery

 Do you want to suffer less, get better everyday? Do you believe you can? From a completely unassuming source, a gamer with a head injury, comes game-changing, brain training to build both mental and physical resilience and contribute to your recovery – and it is super easy. As you create your personal program for recovery […]

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New Thinking in Medicine – Meditation Heals

In our crazy busy modern world Dr. Jon Kabat-ZInn Professor of Medicine Emeritus and founding director of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School reminds us that the way we practice medicine is changing. That there is something about being […]

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