
Chewy Tigernut Spice Cookies

This recipe delicious recipe for chewy tigernut spice cookies uses an alternative baking flour from the Tigernut—it’s grain-free and nut-free, making it the perfect flour to use in gluten-free, paleo, and AIP treats. Tigernut flour is made from small tubers that are high in resistant starch—a type of prebiotic fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria […]

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Paleo pumpkin pie

Thanksgiving, Christmas or just everyday Pumpkin Pie lovin’ this one’s a great Paleo recipe that is absolutely delicious! Crust 2.5 cups of walnuts (or other nut) 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp kosher salt 2 tbs of olive oil Put ingredients in a food processor. Turn on food processor until the ingredients are well chopped […]

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Good Mood Food – Tips and Treats

Good Mood Food Tips and Treats The link between mood and food is strong. The main villains of this story tend to be the simple carbs and sugars that are everywhere during the holidays! Simple carbohydrates can also directly affect your mood with the spike—and inevitable drop—in your blood sugar level. The key to avoiding […]

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Gut, Food and Autoimmunity

At a recent Functional Medicine conference I was inspired more than ever by one of my favourite Autoimmunity researchers, Dr. Alessio Fasano. Here is the simple fact. The foods we choose directly impact the integrity of our microbiome (the gut). Once that barrier is breeched, large molecules leak into our bodies, confuse and activate our […]

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