Broccoli Breakfast Bake – Yum

Broccoli Breakfast Bake – Yum

By Dr. Teri Jaklin ND, IFMCP

I don’t know about you but I am always looking for new breakfast ideas that meet my high density nutrition model for meals. Once I got over the standard American breakfast nonsense of carby, sugary, processed grains and meat (yes bacon) I started to really enjoy and thrive on yummy nutritious breakfasts. This winter’s line up has included about 3 oz salmon, 2 Tbsp wild rice, and a pile of greens; homemade chicken veggie soup, and today’s creation the Broccoli Breakfast Bake. Honestly I have been eating it all week (organic broccoli has been on sale!) and sometimes I make enough or tomorrow’s breakfast or for Mike and I to have it as a side at dinner too!

I am pretty much at ease in the kitchen, so I don’t really follow recipes, so here’s my attempt at the “How-To…basic version” you can add or delete what ever you want to appeal to your palate.

Broccoli Breakfast break recipe

In a large bowl combine…

  • Enough broccoli for 2 large portions (or more) broken into florettes, peel the stem and cut it into ½ “ rounds too.
  • 6-8 mushrooms cut in half and/or some chopped onion (optional)
  • Add a hand full or so of Almonds
  • 1-2 Tbsp of Sesame Seeds
  • A clug-clug of olive oil (2-3Tbsp-ish)
  • A clug of balsamic vinegar (1Tbsp-ish)
  • 1 tsp-ish of a quality garlic powder – or chop up some fresh garlic
  • A couple of sprinkles of Herbemare or sea salt (optional)

Today I added 1 Tbsp pesto (yum), you can also add a couple of shakes of your favourite herb mix (mine is Sprinkle from Braggs) or replace the Balsamic with lemon or GF Tarmari.

Toss it all in the bowl so that it is all mixed up, put it in a baking dish and bake at 375 for 25-30 mins.

Pop it in the oven – do some other stuff and before you know it, it’s done. Enjoy!

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