Connecting Dead Bugs, GMO, Gluten Sensitivity and Gut Destruction – This is a BIG DEAL

Connecting Dead Bugs, GMO, Gluten Sensitivity and Gut Destruction – This is a BIG DEAL

Screen-Shot-2014-04-26-at-1.29.36-PM The gastro-intestinal tract is arguably THE MOST IMPORTANT system in regulating the immune and inflammatory actions of multiple sclerosis that ultimately damage brain tissue and cause the symptoms that you and I know all too well.

Much of the most current information about the processes of  MS is not in your neurologist’s office. In fact, much of the new information on many concepts that directly impact your recovery never will be. Like food.

Now, we are being told exactly how our commercial, GMO foods are killing us the same way the kill the bugs they are designed to eradicate.

If an insecticide is designed to bust open the cells in the gut of an insect to kill it, and that same insecticide is then integrated into genetically modified foods, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to connect that to an increase in LEAKY GUT in humans. Then, continue that connection to the wild increase in autoimmunity we have seen in our time, for which intestinal permeability (leaky gut) is a prerequisite and other things like widespread eczema and attention issues, increases in autism, increased arthritis, pandemic gut issues of all kinds, epidemic anxiety and depression, pervasive fatigue and on and on.

It is definitely a challenge to stay healthy in a nutritionally sick world,  that has no regard for the impact of food on health. Just when we think we have something figured out, along comes more new information. I am frequently asked about why all the gluten sensitivity – is it a fad etc etc. Well, it looks like we are learning that it is more a case of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts – in a negative way.

Experts agree that the recent increase in gluten-related disorders cannot be explained by genetics alone and that there must be some environmental trigger.

In this video, Jeffrey Smith, internationally recognized expert on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and Tom Malterre, expert in clinical nutrition and a gluten-free lifestyle, simplify and clarify the potential connection between GMOs and gluten sensitivity.

Most importantly they discuss exactly how this breaks down all aspects of the protective nature of the digestive system and how it leads to greater inflammatory and immune activity.

Watch this. I did this morning and will be thinking about it ALL DAY LONG. I have never heard this level of detail from credible sources and I find it disturbing, it kind of leaves me with a sick feeling. Having said that I see all aspects of digestive disturbance in people with MS.

Sometimes it is hard to get how vitally important food is to recovery, but it is. If you aren’t outraged about GMO food yet – it looks like you can no longer afford NOT to be! It affects every part of your health in a very intricate way.

Watch this video and share it.  I am interested to hear what you have to say on this.

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