Fighting the Cold With Five Tips to Get Your Warm On!

Fighting the Cold With Five Tips to Get Your Warm On!

From my window it looks like someone flipped the switch on winter early. I am still holding out for a major melt but it has sure been a rude reminder of impact of cold on people with MS.

If you’re reading this in Florida or the Caribbean – refer to the heat blog;) but right now let’s talk about the cold.

In the simplest of terms, cold contracts. That applies to tissues too, so you may find yourself tighter and stiffer or more spasmy or painful than usual. Hibernation is a very natural defence against and that might mean you are more isolated; probably not exercising as much, which can have a direct impact on your mood! And finally, cold affects digestion too… digestion is a very energy intense process – think of it as a warming function – and raw food is energetically cold. So if you are eating a lot of cold food, or drinking cold beverages you’ll literally be sucking the warming digestive energy away to heat up warm that cold food.

Five tips to get your warm on!

  • Get moving! Improve your circulation by moving more. Don’t skip that trip to the gym or, if you do, set time aside for exercise and stretching at home. No matter what your ability you can increase movement to get the blood pumping.
  • Consume warming foods and beverages. This time of year I am a sucker for a good soup or stew – so yummy and so easy on the digestion. Warm beverages like herbal teas are great things to curl up with – and great hand warmers! The top warming herbs on my list are cinnamon and ginger – and you can add them to anything! Throw a cinnamon stick into your favourite tea or make a ginger-cinnamon tea on it’s own.
  • Self-massage of your hands/forearms and feet/lower legs is not only a great way to connect with yourself, but also a wonderful way to target those colder than cold areas. If you have a cooperative other in your home you can have them do it. OR consider a warming footbath with some sea salt and a couple of drops of a warming essential oil (like cinnamon or ginger). This will actually double dip as an overall relaxer – do it before bed because who can sleep with cold feet??!
  • Make sure you’re dressed for it. Slippers, scarves, long johns, layers and woolen socks that my neighbour Barb knits are all part of my winter attire attacks on the cold. The other day I saw a warming mat for under your feet – I think I may be adding that soon too!
  • Warm your soul by picking up the phone and talking to someone – yes, good old fashioned talking – not a tweet or a message or a snapchat; good old fashioned human interaction – do a Skype – or any other kind of technology chat!

I hope these ideas are helpful. If you have any of your own great shareable tips please share them!

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