Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine – Providing New Solutions for HEALTH!

Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine – Providing New Solutions for HEALTH!

Tom-SawyerAs I write this blog I feel like a kid who is sneaking out to do something naughty:)  I am literally in lock down right now studying for my Functional Medicine Certification Exam which I am writing on April 5. And as I study I continue to be inspired with by the new thinking in this medical movement – it  is a great contributor to the great info I will be bringing you in The MS Path Program (begins May 1). In fact I get a little giddy – my studies reinforce the wonderful messages in The MS Path modules and truly support my deep conviction that EVERYTHING IS CHANGING – for the better. The current medical model does not support the current patient need for living beyond a diagnosis – and heaven forbid – creating a recovery mindset!  Barriers to information and to tools for health are being broken all over the place. I am starting to sound like a broken record yet?

I have been a part of the Institute for Functional Medicine for about 5 years and finally decided to sit exam for certification – what was I thinking writing another medical exam in my 50’s?! I feel great strength in knowing that I am part of a medical organization that supports and complements my Naturopathic approach to health and recovery.  Are different schools of medicine actually moving closer together? – closer to the patient?  – I LOVE IT!!

Back at it! Send me some super powerful thoughts on April 5.

Thanks a million.


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