Good Mood Food – Tips and Treats

Good Mood Food – Tips and Treats

Good Mood Food
Tips and Treats

The link between mood and food is strong. The main villains of this story tend to be the simple carbs and sugars that are everywhere during the holidays!

Simple carbohydrates can also directly affect your mood with the spike—and inevitable drop—in your blood sugar level. The key to avoiding cravings is to not get started on the carbs and sugary foods in the first place – it is a slippery slope for sure.

Here are some holiday strategies i have recommended for years!

  1. hree words to remember to for blood sugar balance and to and beat cravings: Fiber, Fat and Protein. Pass on the chips and cookies and go for the shrimp, nuts and guacamole.
  2. Pre-load. If you’re nervous about falling flat at a holiday feast eat something nutritious at home before you go. That way you can be more discerning with the platters of food are passed your way.
  3. Choose colourful foods when you do choose – carbs often wear the colours white or beige – think about it…rice, potatoes, rolls, pie crust, sugar cookies – a pretty pale lot.
  4. Focus on foods that have been directly associated with improved mood:
    • Omega 3 fats. Interestingly, Low Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to depression and impulsive actions. Keep foods like fish, flax and walnuts high on your holiday food list.
    • Fruit and veggies. These are linked to a higher level of happiness. Think colour! Always include something green on your plate, and choose dark coloured veggies, like dark berries as your go-to fruit.
    • Chocolate – did she just say that??? Yes, there has to be something good in this message! Although I think we OVER eat chocolate in general, as a holiday survival strategy it works! A square of super-dark chocolate can ward off those sugar cravings and feel a little decadent all at the same time!

Stay tuned for some great recipes for holiday treats you can bring along!

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