Gut, Food and Autoimmunity

Gut, Food and Autoimmunity

At a recent Functional Medicine conference I was inspired more than ever by one of my favourite Autoimmunity researchers, Dr. Alessio Fasano. Here is the simple fact. The foods we choose directly impact the integrity of our microbiome (the gut). Once that barrier is breeched, large molecules leak into our bodies, confuse and activate our immune system, initiate inflammatory cross talk in EVERY system in our bodies (most notably in MS – the brain), switch genes on and off and basically determine the course of your health.

The concept of the gut as central to health has been a hallmark of naturopathic medicine for centuries. Beyond good nutrition; clearing, detoxifying and healing the gut. In the conventional medical model it represents a horizon that is now just opening, one that was unthinkable 10 years ago. In the resulting therapeutic gap, understand that the simple and most exciting truth is that this is something that is fully and completely in your control.

I often hear your frustration with the question ” What CAN I eat?” I encourage you to make this easy on yourself – think about food in the simplest of terms. Make your foods whole, unprocessed – lots of colours, lots of options. Make your meats ‘clean’ and reasonable portions (the size of the palm of your hand) and avoid dangerous processed meat like cold cuts, hot dogs and bacon. Be open to learning and understanding that the Standard American Diet (SAD) is one of convenience, marketing, and disease; it is also what many have been raised on so cut yourself some slack and when you make a less than great food choice – you can turn that around with the very next bite. Above all understand that along the way you may dig up the unsavoury (pardon the pun) truth about food addiction – it’s what the SAD brings! It if applies to you – get help to address the problem – no shame, no blame, no guilt.

Think of your new food model with love. Prepare food with joy. Plan for success by having healthy options in the freezer for down days. Know that this is part of a life-long process that is about progress, not perfection. Enjoy every bite and and let your body heal.

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