Single Cause, Single Cure or Many Causes, Many Solutions?

Single Cause, Single Cure or Many Causes, Many Solutions?

Screen-Shot-2014-03-02-at-2.33.38-PMThe history of doctoring is often as interesting as the practice, and admittedly I love to examine this history to see what has come and gone over time and how medical dogma has changed in the face of overwhelming opposition and evidence. Here are a couple of examples of what I’m talking about:

The doctor, who first suggested washing hands between the autopsy suite and the delivery room to reduce mortality in childbirth, was ostracized by his peers. Louis Pasteur, the father of the germ theory, out of fear of ridicule, waited until his death bed to debunk his own work introducing the concept that it is not the bug, but the terrain of the host that is important in health and disease. In our lifetimes, the dogma that ulcers were caused by too much stomach acid was defeated by the discovery of this crazy bacteria called H. Pylori. These all caused BIG SHIFTS in doctoring – but not without a huge time lag between first evidence and final implementation.

Today, I find it incredibly fascinating to be in the midst of yet another one of these shifts. The ruling medical dogma, has always been supported by the belief that if something breaks then we’ll just fix it. Hence the mantra – If it ain’t broke don’t fit it. It puts the power over all healthcare – yours, mine, my family’s the guy down the street – everybody’s in the medical doctors’ hands, the modern reality of this is doctors just don’t have the time to listen – so everybody gets the same treatment.  And the whole system is based on a one question, one answer approach to things. It is black or it is white. There is a single cause and a single cure.

The reality is that everything is changing, science no longer supports this black/white thinking. In fact dive into the new thinking and you will find many, many shades of gray. The dogma is being replaced by the concept of many causes, many solutions. This is unbelievably exciting!!!

The new thinking in science has made the cover of time magazine time and time again. Specific to MS we see an abundance of information regarding inflammation, neurodegeneration, epigenetics, gut permeability, toxicity, mitochondrial function, psychoneuroimmunology, neuroplasticity, nutrition, exercise, even an entirely new understanding of autoimmunity itself! ALL supported by the new understanding that Multiple Sclerosis can be a very manageable condition.

The fly in the ointment is that we are all vulnerable to that phase of non-acceptance, the ridicule of thinking beyond the dogma. New concepts that directly impact your health, while widely accepted in science and practiced by some health care practitioners are far from the doctor’s office. And may not get there in you doctor’s lifetime.

But science isn’t the only thing changing life at the doctor’s office, you are too. The average healthcare consumer is more educated than ever before (partly due to the internetJ and definitely more interested in paying a role in the trajectory of their health care. You are actively seeking out healthcare options – oh, and finding them! Viable options in healthcare today allow you to choose who to include on their healthcare team. As a licensed Naturopathic Doctor I have served as primary care for many people for many years. People who are interested and engaged in their care and looking for natural, drug-free options.

The point of this Sunday ramblance is that you have options – lots of them. You have the power to choose and direct your care using the latest information – you just won’t find it in your neurologist’s office. Let’s start this conversation and be part of the change that is happening right now.

Part of the passion and excitement I put into THE MS PATH is bringing this information to you in a manner that you can understand and apply to your life right now. Join me for THE MS PATH Program, the launch date is May 1!

Dr. Teri Jacklin, ND, Waterdown, ON

P.S. I will be sharing many free videos, seminars, webinars with our web page members over March and into April.

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