Square Belly Breathing – A Quick Start to Connecting Body and Mind

Square Belly Breathing – A Quick Start to Connecting Body and Mind

Square-Belly-BreathingWorking with the breath is a simple, quick and highly effective way to begin your foray into the new medicine that connects what goes on in our mind with what goes on in our body – and vice versa. Deep breathing provides measurable results in down regulating the stress response (sympathetic nervous system) to put us firmly in the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) which is where our bodies can work on coming closer to a point of balance – where healing happens. It is instrumental in striking autonomic balance.

It only takes three minutes of belly breathing to reap the benefits of  the relaxation response. But don’t stop there! It can become your meditation! Part of the relaxation response is connecting with the still point – through the breath. Now, when your mind wanders – and it will – don’t give up, gently recognize that your mind has wandered and bring it right back to the breath.

Here is a simple exercise to get you started. It is called Square Belly Breathing and it is simply breathing in to the count of four, hold for the count of four, breathing out for the count of four, and hold for the count of four. I hope this visualization is helpful. There’s no trick, no right or wrong, it is super easy and it is a vital part of any recovery program. Right now, I am going to use it for a little study stress relief but it an excellent way to deal with stress or anxiety, wind down at the end of the day or simply a great way to detox and oxygenate your body. Did you know that our single biggest toxin is ineffectively eliminated carbon dioxin? – a by-product of shallow breathing!

Relax, enjoy, and breathe.

Stay well


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