SUPER BETTER! Building Resilience for Recovery

SUPER BETTER! Building Resilience for Recovery

 Screen-Shot-2014-02-12-at-12.01.32-PMDo you want to suffer less, get better everyday? Do you believe you can?

From a completely unassuming source, a gamer with a head injury, comes game-changing, brain training to build both mental and physical resilience and contribute to your recovery – and it is super easy.

As you create your personal program for recovery consider these recommendations and use them as a springboard to more exercises of your own. Regular practice rebuilds brain cells (neurons).

The new thinking in science supports recovery. This is one perfect example.

Start with this video from and replace your nightly bad news TV with another inspirational Ted Talk.

Have fun snapping your fingers!

Dr. Teri Jaklin ND



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