The Body Remembers!

The Body Remembers!

I am constantly in awe of the body’s capacity to recover – or to simply pick up where it left off. In January working with the trainer in the gym at the resort we were vacationing at (yes, I work out on vacation too). I was at the height of not walking with the most recent sprain and was a little bummed about my physical ability. He had a hand on each of the muscle groups as I was working and exclaimed with surprise – Teri these muscles are firing! It didn’t feel like it to me but he could feel the muscles doing what they were meant to do. My job was to build on that.That was the best motivation I had to get to the gym every morning after breakfast.

Yesterday I had a great workout for the first time since a bad cold laid me out for 10 days. I was super cautious not to have expectations that would be dashed because I had that bummed feeling again, but not only did I rock the work out, my trainer told me that momentum once gained (ie getting stronger with the work outs) takes 21 days before it is lost. Whew. And talk about motivating – tonight is yoga night and I can’t wait to make it an awesome work out too.

Sometimes it can be a struggle to keep motivated to work out can’t it? What do you do to keep motivated, or how can we work together keep one another motivated?

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