How are you doing with the Four Pillars for MS Success?

How are you doing with the Four Pillars for MS Success?

Four Pillars for MS success

When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 1985, I received a range of reactions—from supportive to shocked. Like many, I had never heard of MS before, and initially, it might have seemed like a life-altering game over. But here I am, decades later, living a great life!

Has MS changed my life? Yes, it has.
Has MS ruined my life? Absolutely not.

Today, we know that MS can be managed more effectively than ever before. Research supports the importance of a holistic approach. Studies have shown that individuals with MS who engage in regular physical activity and maintain a healthy diet experience fewer relapses and slower disease progression. Similarly, mindfulness and stress management techniques are linked to improved quality of life and reduced symptom severity.

Over time, I have identified four key areas—The Four Pillars—that are essential for maintaining a strong foundation for health in the face of MS. These pillars enhance the effectiveness of everything else you doand put you in control of your health. Once your health is anchored with these foundational pillars, you can better focus your efforts on reducing the impact of MS and determining who will help you on this journey.

The Four Pillars for MS Success

  1. Healing Self-Care
    Replacing old habits with activities and new habits that promote healing.
    This might include prioritizing sleep, reducing stress through mindfulness practices, and engaging in hobbies that bring joy and relaxation. This might sound like a simple list but this pillar is supported with daily attention and ongoing personal development.
  2. Diet and Digestion
    Making peace with a new way to eat that will promote health.
    It is now understood that a nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory diet can help manage MS symptoms and improve overall well-being. There are many different “diets for MS” but in my experience your diet will become the one that best supports YOU wherever you are on your journey, and it will change over time. Focus on anti-inflammatory foods – which are whole, colourful foods that are not processed and refined.Through its connection to both the immune system and the brain, digestion and how your food is delivered to the body is of paramount importance, so if you have IBS or an inflammatory bowel condition, or you struggle with constipation, resolving these issues is  definitely a priority for managing the auto-immune aspect of MS.
  3. Movement and Exercise
    Feeling the magic that movement brings to your body.
    Regular physical activity can improve mobility, strength, and mental health. Tailored exercise programs can help you stay active and manage fatigue, spasticity, disordered sleep, poor circulation – it can even help to relieve constipation. If exercise is a drag for your or you never really exercised, now is the time to make friends with your body through movement – there’s so much to explore! The gym, the pool, walking, cycling, tai chi, qigong, yoga, pilates…mix it up and have fun.
  4. Mind, Body, and Spirit
    Connecting the mind to the body as the driver of positive change.
    This involves practices like meditation, yoga, prayer, journaling, spending time in nature and therapy to foster mental resilience and emotional balance. The evidence continues to grow regarding how our personal beliefs, thoughts, experiences and emotions drive the healthful function of the body. Once again this sounds like a simple statement but as your daily practice grows you will help to regulate the vagus nerve and calm the nervous system to manage many symptoms associated with MS.

These Four Pillars act as a guiding light in daily decisions, providing stability and health confidence. They also help determine when to reach out for professional support on your journey.

In a world obsessed with quick fixes, transforming life with MS is about the long game. It’s not one thing, or even two things; it’s everything you do that allows you to transform your life with MS.

Take Action

By embracing these Four Pillars, you are not just managing MS; you are actively participating in creating a thriving life despite the diagnosis. How are you doing with the implementation of these Four Pillars in your life?

If you want to bring the Four Pillars for MS Success into your life, explore our Masterclasses or the Transform MS program at For personalized care, schedule a free Discovery Call to see if Naturopathic/Functional Medicine is right for you.


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