Transforming Life with MS: A New Way to Face Your Diagnosis

Transforming Life with MS: A New Way to Face Your Diagnosis

Transforming Life with MSFor many years, my main message has been about transforming your life with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and living beyond the diagnosis. After almost 40 years of living with MS and sharing the journey with thousands of people in my private practice, one thing is clear: MS is not a ‘thing’ to be fixed. It is a complex process that unfolds over time. I am deeply interested in this journey because the good news is that you are in a key position to make fundamental changes to transform your life.

What is Transformation?

Transformation is the pivotal point where you truly embody change—your understanding, your actions, your self-compassion, your commitment. You are “all in.” It’s like a seed that has taken the time to germinate and now starts to grow and flourish. It’s a place where the focus shifts to bringing more health in rather than persistently struggling against the disease.

Transformation means moving from fear, stress, anxiety, and the scatteredness of merely surviving to a focus on thriving. Understanding that this is a process that unfolds over time allows you to start living beyond the diagnosis, no matter what MS brings.

What Does Transformation Look Like?

Let me break it down for you:

  1. Illuminate
    • Discover current, relevant, actionable MS information.
    • Reveal your history and current health state to move forward.
    • Begin the journey with a plan and support.
  2. Initiate
    • Embrace change in every aspect of your new life.
    • Create new habits and build a new personal reality.
    • Participate wholeheartedly with powerful choices.
    • Continuously build on your success and grow with health confidence.
  3. Integrate
    • Integrate powerful healing routines into your life.
    • Be resilient, supported, and prepared for anything.
    • Be driven by a hero mindset and approach to life.

That transformational point comes with the realization that the fear of a future with MS is holding you back and keeping you stressed and stuck. It’s that Ah-ha moment where you feel empowered—I got this. You see the power in the moment and choose—the next bite, the next thought, the next action—and the momentum builds over time.

Facing Life with MS

It’s also important to understand that we’re human. We have our highs and lows, our strengths and weaknesses. If we set off on this journey alone, we will probably encounter some challenges and setbacks. You can exponentially improve your success by choosing and communicating with your support circle, your coach, and your healthcare team.

A diagnosis with MS didn’t just appear overnight, so it’s not going to go away overnight. It is the sum total of all of your exposures (food, air, water, other toxins) and experiences – good bad or indifferent and your emotions (joy, fear, calmness, trauma, etc.) throughout your life until now. It’s not anybody’s ‘fault,’ and it’s not your body attacking you.

Transforming MS and living beyond the diagnosis means facing life:

  • Feeling confident and in control.
  • Being prepared with a plan.
  • Feeling supported and guided.
  • Actively participating.
  • Being optimistic about the future.

Transforming your life with MS does require effort, but it’s only challenging because it’s all new – not the way it used to be. Once you reach that pivotal point, living beyond the diagnosis becomes a natural and empowering part of your everyday life.

Join the Journey

If this resonates with you and you would like to do more together, I invite you to join me in my Masterclasses, the Transform MS program, and join my Facebook group.

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