We are sure to be hearing more From Dr. George Ebers now that he’s retired

We are sure to be hearing more From Dr. George Ebers now that he’s retired

georgeebers_fit_204x204Dr. George Ebers, one of the finest, most honest neurologists I have ever met. Well respected in his field and who has just retired from his post in MS research at Oxford University. The man who advised me against taking DMD’s for MS many years ago, and who told me to run along and have a good life…which is exactly what I have done. I credit him with being one of my finest advisors on my path even though our work together was brief!

In this blog he speaks about DMDs (MS Drugs), and CCSVI.

I think we will be hearing more from Dr. Ebers now that his is retired and free to speak the truth. I certainly look forward to hearing more from him and will keep you posted as well.

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