What’s For Breakfast?

What’s For Breakfast?


Do you remember coming down the hall in your jammies when you were young and that was the first thing out of our mouth – do you still ask you wife or husband? Or are you just so frustrated you have no idea what to eat.

What is a gluten-free, grain-free, dairy and legume free, breakfast that is not high in animal saturated fats (like bacon or sausage), honours your food sensitivities, feeds your mitochondria (super important) , is high in fibre, nutrient dense, rich in omega 3 oils, decreases inflammation, fills you up and tastes great?

That should be simple enough. Here’s what’s going on in my kitchen this morning. As I write you, my wonderful husband is out in the kitchen making breakfast, he has paused for a moment to  dictate this recipe for you. Here’s what’s on the menu….

Fresh Raspberries

Mike’s Special Breakfast Hot Seed Delight

Freshly brewed Pomegranate Green Tea

 Recipe – Mikes SUPER Special Breakfast Hot Seed Delight

1 Apple – finely chopped

1 Pear – finely chopped

2 cups of water

2/3 cup Qi’a (a chia, buckwheat and hemp cereal from Nature’s path)

1/3 cup pure chia seeds

Disclaimer – because Mike is my six foot four year old, he would probably add a  ton of raisins and probably some chocolate chips – now being married to an ND he adds whatever he can find – pecans, almonds, dried apricots, coconut a dash of vanilla, two shakes of cinnamon .

Stew the fruit in the water (small sauce pan) for a few minutes to soften, add the seeds and nuts, simmer for 10 minutes. He also adds about ½ cup of frozen blueberries at the end to cool it down before serving.

If it gets too thick, add a splash of almond or coconut milk. And serve.

Get Creative, make your own variations and share them with us!

May is MS Awareness Month where I live so I will be bringing you lots of videos, recipes and blog from The MS Path! So stay tuned. In the meantime…

Bon Appétit


PS. This makes four servings and is easily reheated the next day in a little almond or coconut milk. 


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